Friday, 10 January 2014

Day 10. Many a Slip...

I nearly ended my Janathon experience today by slipping on the wet floor in the gym / pool changing area. Fortunately my new improved core strength saved me and I live to blog another day. Today I tried out the 'Senior Circuit'. Normally you wouldn't get me doing anything that suggests I am a 'certain age'. I won't contemplate Saga Holidays, for example, and harbour all those prejudices and stereo-typical views of 'the elderly'. I remember my Nanna protesting that she didn't want to go into a home and have to sit with 'all those old people'. 'But Nanna, you're 80,' we would say. But I digress.

I lay my vanity aside on the basis that the 'Senior Circuit' might be easy. Certainly easier than trying to keep up with the young gym bunnies in the regular classes. It's all relative I suppose and they all seemed very fit to me as they ran round the perimeter of the gym as a warm-up for the main event. I wondered if this was a room full of those hearty sorts who loved PE at school and were in all the sports teams. Far from being an 'old folks' home in lycra', these were a fit and vibrant lot, very chatty and gave a rousing rendition of 'Happy Birthday' to the baby of the group who turned 50 today.
Today it was about half and half men and women and opportunities to flirt abounded. I mused that these were probably the same men who flirted with me 25 or 30 years ago. If I had met them then. I may have met them then, but without glasses and with the passage of time, it was impossible to tell. The music was the same as 25 or 30 years ago as well, in the days when aerobics and Jane Fonda were all the rage and I used to cavort energetically to Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go and Kylie's Locomotion cover while my kids were in the crèche.

Anyway, to cut to the chase (no pun) I did skips, weights, steps, tricep pushes, press-ups, cycling, balancing on big balls (no pun) a total of 9 minutes jogging and loads of other things I can't remember. It was actually fun. NO, I didn't say that. Up-date on Dryathon. I've been alcohol-free up to now, but the show finishes tomorrow and we are hosting the after-party so I am very likely to fall off the wagon.

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