Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Day 1 Putting the Jan into Janathon

I'm not going to lie. I hate jogging. As someone once said of me, 'You're built for comfort, not speed.' So I begin with What To Wear? I fished the redundant-for-several-years, sports bra out of a drawer and wore it on the tightest fastening. As my main form of exercise these past seven years has been walking and swimming, suitable jogging-wear was woeful, so I made do with some leggings and a t-shirt over a shape-wear vest. This would have been alright if the leggings were not trimmed with lace at the ankles and the electric blue t-shirt did not have a low V-neck thus exposing most of the white sports bra and squashed baps. No matter, these things I covered with husband's sports socks and an old cagoule; respectively in case you were wondering. At least I have some trainers. Pink. NYE hair had drooped so I scraped it into a ponytail and added a baseball cap that I found in the porch. I thought I looked a bit like Madonna on her power walks - same age but about four stone heavier with less scary arms. After a brisk walk for a warm-up, I started jogging in the park and thought it was going well, easier than I had feared, till I realised the wind was behind me shunting me along. The only problem at this point was the shape-wear vest riding up and hugging my ribs while allowing my post-party season belly to do a jog of its own. Wrestling it back down while on the move was tricky what with all the dog-walkers about. At least my boobs stayed in place. To be honest, once on the pavements, I alternated walking and jogging. To be totally honest, mainly jogging only when a dog-walker or car was approaching. Then there was the added problem of the leggings riding down so the waist-band was on my hips and the gusset fast approaching my knees. But I blundered on, wondering why a 10 mile walk is a doddle but one mile part-jogging is more effort. Maybe it's the outfit? Maybe it's being 'in flight'? Anyway, I made it one mile which isn't bad, in the wind and rain, for a menopausal Janathon virgin. In fact it was rather invigorating so I topped it off with a bit of hoola-hooping.

1 comment:

  1. love it,you should do pics with your blog :D
