Day Four. QOTD 'Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.' Charles Dickens.
Day four - last visitors gone and excuses running out. Or are they? First, I urgently needed to write yesterday's blog, then load the washing machine, then email another actor with an idea for a project. And another actor. And chat to a friend on Facebook. Then eat a bowl of soup. Home made broccoli and stilton, if you're interested. Then take down all the Christmas cards ahead of getting all the dex down tomorrow. The plan had been to walk to the gym, do some weights and come home. Mindful of the lack of gym kit, this changed to 'drive to the gym, buy some kit in the shop and go for a swim.' The flaw in the plan was that the gym no longer has a shop that sells gym kit, but the genius of my procrastination was that I arrived there at the same time as two lovely thespian friends and, mindful of the time my procrastination had thieved, I collared them. A quick chat and social arrangement was made with one before she headed off to the treadmill and I went for a swim with the other. In the children's pool. The advantage of this is that it is warmer than the main pool, but you have to dodge children including, on this occasion, triplets. Surely actually getting triplets and oneself to the pool and changed into swimming gear is enough? I'd just change them back and go to the café. Anyway, my friend and I caught up on all Christmas-tide gossip, swimming slalom-style, in the children's pool and lounging in the hydrotherapy pool. She then made for the steam room and I headed for the lanes in the serious pool. Shower, sauna and home.
Time swimming (and talking) in obstacle course children's pool - 30 minutes
Time talking in Hydrotherapy pool - 25minutes
Time swimming in serious pool lanes - 15 minutes
Time washing hair - 15 minutes
Time drying hair 45 minutes
Sounds much more enjoyable than "went to the pool, swam, went home."!