Saturday, 25 January 2014

Day 25. Short legs.

By the time I was eating my breakfast in bed this morning (porridge and fruit since you ask), my Janathon son had done a Park Run. 5k in 22 minutes 25 seconds, if you please. I remarked to The Husband that this would take me about 40 minutes on current performance and he remarked that my son is a lot younger than me and has longer legs. I heard this as 'you are an old woman with short legs.' Anyway, feeling tired and being short of time (as well as leg) today, my Janathon effort was confined to walking briskly, well as briskly as I could against a fierce wind, for 30 minutes to meet my daughter for lunch to plan her wedding. She had struggled against the wind too and, being only five foot one, has even shorter legs than me, though obviously she is also MUCH younger. After much wedding planning, I returned home to do 30 lunges (per leg) with dumbells, 20 tricep dips, 20 push-ups, 20 arm lifts and 20 arm curls with dumbells and a 50 second plank, where I checked my position in the wardrobe mirror.

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